This video has some great ideas for gifts. The beginning part of the video shows how to make sliding messages, using cellophane and marker pens. I think this idea is particularly fun and a nice way of giving messages to loved ones.
There are ideas on how to dress presents or how to adapt or make fancy wrapping paper. Using clear acetate and then adding glitter or star sequences to it is a really nice way of making your own wrapping paper, and can easily be adapted by using different coloured glitters or using different sequences.
The video shows how to make your own stamps to decorate plain brown wrapping paper using a cork screw. The cork screw is cut into the desired shape, and then paint is painted onto the stamp. In the video example, they make a Christmas tree and paint the stem black and the rest of the tree brown. This is then stamped all over the brown paper that has already been wrapped around the present.
There are lots more ideas on wrapping presents, some of which are suitable for Christmas presents, and some that can be used for wrapping birthday presents. The Christmas ideas can be adapted for other present wrapping such as wedding gifts.